The College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has organized the freshers day on 4th October, 2019 at College Auditorium to welcome the freshers. The senior students have made all the arrangements for the successful conduct of the programme. The programme was inaugurated by ceremonially lighting of the lamp by the Member, Board of Management, Dr.A.Manohar Rao, Dr.Seema, Associate Dean and Officer Incharge Student Affairs Dr.P.Ramesh Babu. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. A. Manohar Rao urged the students to develop an overall personality while in the campus. Dr.Seema, while appreciating the efforts of the seniors students also advised the freshers to consider senior as their mentors and take guidance. Dr.P.Ramesh Babu encouraged the students to participate in all the sports, cultural and literary activities for overall development. There were several entertainment performances by the freshers. The programme concluded with the National Anthem. The whole campus had a festive look.