\ Events PJTSAU

Golden Jubilee Celebration of 1967-71 batch at C.A., R’ nagar on 24-10-2021

Golden Jubilee Celebration of 1967-71 batch at C.A., R’ nagar on 24-10-2021

1967-71 Batch students of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, have organized a get together programme to celebrate their Golden Jubilee Celebrations, at College Auditorium, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar on 24.10.2021. Total 61 alumni members of 1967-71 B. Sc (Ag.) batch have participated in the programme, consists of agri- entrepreneurs and retired Scientists / Bankers / Agri / Horti departments etc. Mr. A. Ravinder Rao, Dr. V. Madhava Reddy, Mr. S. Rajeshwara Rao, Mr. J. Chandra Shekar Rao and few others have coordinated the programme. On this occasion, 1967 batch members have invited and felicitated their teachers. The eminent and veteran teachers like Dr. Gnana Kumari (Horticulture), Dr. K. R Chowdhary (Agricultural Economics), Dr. N. Govinda Rao (Plant Pathology), Dr. Nageswara Rao (Statistics of Mathematics), Dr. Wazid Ali Mirza (Agronomy), Dr. S. Narsi Reddy (Agronomy), Dr. B.V Rayudu, Retired IAS (SSAC), Mr. S. Narotham Reddy (Aril. Extension) and Dr. R. Radha Ram Krishna Reddy (Dairy Science) are invited and facilitated by the 1967 B. Sc (Ag.) batch of College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar. Senior faculty members who taught 1967 batch students have participated in the programme enthusiastically and conveyed their wishes. Mr. A. Ravinder Rao invited all the teachers on to the dais. Dr. C. Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean and Convener, AACAR has graced the occasion and gave a brief description / historical details about the college, right from its inception (1946) till today and about about AACAR (Alumni Association College of Agriculture Rajendranagar) activities. He requested the alumni members to come forward voluntarily and contribute to the College for taking up of developmental activities in the college as Prof. V. Praveen Rao , Hon’ble Vice Chancellor is very much interested to reach out the Alumni members and making them involved in the developmental process of the PJTSAU. Dr. V. Madhava Reddy invited all the individual members of 1967 batch students on to the dais, who attended the programme and they were facilitated by their teachers. Few alumni members have shared their experiences of their college days. Sri. Joginallpy Chandrashekar Rao garu, who is an agri entrepreneur in the seed sector, has announced a financial support of Rs. 10 lakhs for taking up of developments activities in the College. Later, some members have performed cultural events. Programme came to an end with the vote of thanks proposed by Dr Kamar Iqbal Khan. Later, all the participants had their lunch in the Krishi Nilayam (Boys Hostel). Dr. B. Suresh, Associate Professor and OIAM-UG, Dr. P. Rajani Kanth, Associate Professor & Warden, Dr. K. Pawan Chandra Reddy, Associate Professor and Dr. D. Srinivasa Reddy, Assistant Professor & Alumni coordinator have participated in the programme.