A guest lecture on “Achieving Self sufficiency in Pulses” (online mode ) was organized by Agricultural College Adilabad on the eve of World Pulses day on 10.2.2025 in forenoon session to the B.Sc (Hons) I and II year students. At the outset, Associate Dean, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan welcomed all to the programme. It was followed by a brief about the importance of World pulses day and theme of 2025 by Dr.K.Bhanu Rekha, Professor & Head, Department of Agronomy. Before the guest lecture the biodata of the guest speaker, Dr.C.V. Sameer Kumar, Director, Institute of Biotechnology & Senior Professor, Genetics and Plant Breeding was presented to the participants. Around 101 students and nine teaching staff with a grand total of 110 participants from Ag. College, Adilabad. Apart from them, ICAR Scientists and Teaching staff and Scientists from PJTAU also attended the lecture. The guest lecture was an insight into pulses that covered scenario on area, production and productivity of since pre-independence to post green revolution. It also focused on the thrust areas like climate resilience nature, water foot print, interventions, challenges and storage of pulses apart from novel biotechnical and Agronomic aspects aimed towards the pulse intensification apart from the opportunities of export oriented pulse based food products. The lecture followed a fruitful interactive session. The teaching staff, Dr.B. Rajeswari, Prof (Pl. Pathology), Dr. G. Anitha, Assoc. Prof (Ento.), Dr. M. Suresh, Assistant Prof. (SS&AC) and teaching Associates attended to the lecture. The programme ended with vote of thanks presented by the Associate Dean, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan.