The Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has organised a guest lecture “Effective Presentation Skills for Students” on 06.11.2021 at the gallery hall for the benefit of the PG/PhD students of the College. The guest lecture aimed at improving the presentation skills of the students. Dr Sandhya N Shenoy, Retd. Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension), NAARM, Hyderabad and Dr K. Madhu Babu, Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension were the guest speakers of the event. Dr C. Narendra Reddy, the Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar while giving introductory remarks expressed the significance of effective presentation and the relevance of the presentation skills in the present context. Dr Sandhya N Shenoy, talked about the why aspect of effective presentation, audio visual aids, span of attention, media selection criteria, script story board, slide material preparation, Rule of thirds, Rule of seven, google transliterate, audacity soft ware, how to insert audio /video files to ppt. slide and interacted wit the students. Dr K Madhu Babu, talked about how to organise presentation, tips for effective presentation, how to structure the presentation. Dr V Anitha, Dean for PG studies was the chief guest of the concluding session, has expressed that, effective presentation skills are important to the students to reach good positions in life and students should always try to hone their skills for better future and also opined that, there is a need to organise such programmes for the benefit of the students. The Dean PG studies has also interacted with the students on the occasion. About 86 students (PG/PhD), faculty attended the guest lecture.