The College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has organized a guest lecture on Sustainable Yogic Farming on 19.10.2022 by the Prajapita Brahma Kumari Iswariya Viswavidyalaya at college auditorium. Brahmakumari Eeswari gave a brief orientation of the activities by the Brahma Kumaris and as part of rural development wing, to promote Raithu Jagriti Yatra by the centre and to orient about the Sustainable Yogic Farming which is need of the hour. Brahma kumari Datta has gave a detailed lecture on the Sustainable Yogic Farming and highlighted about the merits of yogic agriculture. The session was followed by interaction with the students. Dr C Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean, Dr V Ravinder Naik, OISA, professors and all the AELP students have attended the programme.