To orient the PG & Ph.D students of Department of Agricultural Extension towards BSMA New Curricula related to Masters’ Programme, a guest talk on Role of Extension in Enabling Innovation was organized on 27th February, 2023 at ICAR-Smart Classroom, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. The Guest Speaker of today’s talk is Dr Rasheed Sulaiman V who is serving as Director, Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP), Hyderabad ( The programme was chaired by Dr.S.J. Rehman, Associate Dean i/c, Dr.K. Madhu Babu, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension and participated by Dr.V. Ravinder Naik, Professor, Dr.K.Aruna, Dr. P. Prashanth, PG & Ph.D Scholars of Department of Agricultural Extension and Department of Agricultural Economics. Dr.B.Savitha, Professor proposed welcome address and presented biodata of the today’s’ guest speaker to the participants. Dr Rasheed Sulaiman V stressed up on the changing perspectives of Innovation, importance of Agricultural Innovation System, Scaling out and scaling up and urged students to inculcate reading & analytical thinking / reasoning habits and focus on Agricultural Extension Services (AES) at Global level and pursue different capacities/skills needed at Global level. After guest talk, students interacted with the speaker and clarified their doubts, Dr. Dr.S.J. Rehman, Associate Dean i/c in his introductory remarks emphsised the importance and role extension in development of agriculture sector and Dr.K. Madhu Babu, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension shred his remarks on this occasion. Later, Ms. Jagadeeswari, 3rd Year Ph.D Scholar proposed formal vote of thanks.