Guest Talk on Role of Extension in Enabling Innovation By Dr.V. Rasheed Sulaiman, Director, CRISP on 27 th February, 2023

Guest Talk on Role of Extension in Enabling Innovation By Dr.V. Rasheed Sulaiman, Director, CRISP on 27 th February, 2023

To orient the PG & Ph.D students of Department of Agricultural Extension towards BSMA New Curricula related to Masters’ Programme, a guest talk on Role of Extension in Enabling Innovation was organized on 27th February, 2023 at ICAR-Smart Classroom, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad-30. The Guest Speaker of today’s talk is Dr Rasheed Sulaiman V who is serving as Director, Centre for Research on Innovation and Science Policy (CRISP), Hyderabad ( The programme was chaired by Dr.S.J. Rehman, Associate Dean i/c, Dr.K. Madhu Babu, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension and participated by Dr.V. Ravinder Naik, Professor, Dr.K.Aruna, Dr. P. Prashanth, PG & Ph.D Scholars of Department of Agricultural Extension and Department of Agricultural Economics. Dr.B.Savitha, Professor proposed welcome address and presented biodata of the today’s’ guest speaker to the participants. Dr Rasheed Sulaiman V stressed up on the changing perspectives of Innovation, importance of Agricultural Innovation System, Scaling out and scaling up and urged students to inculcate reading & analytical thinking / reasoning habits and focus on Agricultural Extension Services (AES) at Global level and pursue different capacities/skills needed at Global level. After guest talk, students interacted with the speaker and clarified their doubts, Dr. Dr.S.J. Rehman, Associate Dean i/c in his introductory remarks emphsised the importance and role extension in development of agriculture sector and Dr.K. Madhu Babu, Professor & Head, Department of Agricultural Extension shred his remarks on this occasion. Later, Ms. Jagadeeswari, 3rd Year Ph.D Scholar proposed formal vote of thanks.