The event “Nation-wide campaign on tree plantation and awareness” organized by ICAR- CAFRI on the eve of ICAR foundation day on 16th July, 2021 with the theme “Har Med Par Ped” as a part of celebration of India@75 – Azadi ka Amrut Mahostav. During morning, the Associate Dean, staff and students were participated through Cisco webex virtual platform. Further, the event “Haritha - haaram” was carried out in the college campus and programme was initiated by Associate Dean, Dr.M. Madhavi. In the programme, fifty seedlings of Mango were planted in college farm besides model orchard. All the students, teaching and non- teaching staff of the college actively took part in planting of seedlings. This programme was organized by NSS POs, Dr. M. Ram Prasad, Dr. R. Ramesh and Smt. D.Sravanthi.