The College of Agriculture, Hyderabad has organized Harithahaaram programme here in the Sports Complex with lot of vigour and enthusiasm. The NSS Units of the college have coordinated the entire programme. A massive plantation drive was taken up on 31th July 2019. A total area of 800 meters land in the sports complex was prepared for Silver Oak Plantation. All the pits were equipped with Farm Yard Manure, SSP (Single Super Phosphate) and Methyl Parathion Dust. Dr. V. Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor inaugurated the event by planting a sapling. Dr. Seema, Associate Dean, All the University Officers, Teaching and Non- Teaching Staff, Students of second year have participated in this. 300 student volunteers took part in this. On the whole four hundred people lent their hands in this great event. A total of 120 saplings were planted.