The NSS unit of College of Agriculture, Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU), Rajendranagar, Hyderabad has organized the Haritha Haram programme on 01.07.2020 at 10.30 am in the campus. Keeping in view the Covid-19 situation, the organizers have opted for staggered timings for the staff so as to avoid gathering at a time and maintain social distancing. The College has advised the students who are in their respective villages due to lockdown to plant a sapling along with their family members for the Haritha Haram programme. The students enthusiastically planted the saplings in their villages and sent pictures to the NSS Officers. The Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. V. Praveen Rao has inaugurated the programme by planting a sapling of Tabebuia rosea. About 6 different types of species were planted (Neem, Spathoadia, Tabebuia rosea, Sissoo and Yepi, Pogada) which are popular for their aesthetic look and environment. The University Officers Dr. S.Sudheer Kumar, Registrar, Dr.Jella Satyanarayana, Dean of Agriculture, Dr.G.Padmaja, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr.KV.S.Meena Kumari, Dean of PG studies, Sri N.Emmanuel, Estate Officer, Dr.K.Anand Singh, Director of Extension, Sri.M.B.Ramesh Kumar, Comptroller, Dr.A.Manohar Rao, Member, Board of Management participated in the event Sri Sudhakar, PRO along with NSS Officers of the College, Teaching and Non-teaching staff have planted the saplings. Dr.Seema, Associate Dean, College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar has supervised the whole programme strictly following the Government guidelines on Covid-19.