D.A.A.T.T.C. – ARS, Karimnagar organised “Awareness Programme cum Demonstration on HDPS in Cotton” on 25-06-2022 at Rajanna Siricilla District

D.A.A.T.T.C. – ARS, Karimnagar organised “Awareness Programme cum Demonstration on HDPS in Cotton” on 25-06-2022 at Rajanna Siricilla District

DAATTC-ARS, Karimnagar has organized an Awareness programme on High Density Planting System (HDPS) in Cotton at Rythuvedika, Vattemula cluster of Vemulawada mandal in Rajanna Siricilla District. DAATT Center Scientist & Coordinator (i/c) Dr. K. Madan Mohan Reddy welcomed all the dignitaries on to the dais and briefed about the techniques to be followed in high density cotton cultivation method to all the interested farmers. He said that this method of sowing with 90×15 cm or 80 × 20 cm spacing between the rows & plants respectively would give 29,630 or 25000 seedlings per acre for higher yields under rainfed light soil conditions and also the farmers were informed to spray Mepiquat Chloride 1.0 ml per liter of water once in 45 and 60-70 days after sowing as it helps in controlling the vegetative growth of the plant and improves weight of the bolls. In traditional cotton cultivation requires 3-4 pickings and requires more labour but in HDPS cotton cultivation requires single time cotton picking and less labour and the crop will be harvested during the month of November-December which helps to reduce the Pink Boll Worm incidence. Similarly, farmers were made aware about the Dry Direct Sowing method of cultivation in Paddy. After that ADA, Vemulawada, Sri. Bhaskar explained to the farmers about the fertilizers management in the crops and the importance of phosphorus solubilizing bacteria (PSB) in dissolving the soil phosphorus and making it available to the plant. Then Dr. M. Rajendra Prasad explained the precautions to be taken in the nursery management in paddy and also informed the farmers on management of fourth coming pest & diseases in major crops. Later DAATTC-ARS, Karimnagar scientists along with department officials have conducted the demonstration on HDPS in Cotton at the farmers field with hybrid NCS 2778 seed by following the spacing of 90x15 cm. Mandal Agricultural Officer Mrs. Anusha, Agricultural Extension Officer Mrs. Sunita, RAWEP students, progressive farmers Sri. Laxmipathi, Sri. Raji Reddy, Sri. Ravi and 40 member farmers participated in this programme.