The 2021 batch IAS Probationary officers of Telangana Cadre were visited the professor jayashankar Telangana state agricultural university here on 29.09.2022. The 7 member team of IAS Probationers has reached university in the morning and had the interaction with Dr.Sudheerkumar, Registrar PJTSAU and university officers in committee-1 in administrative office. Registrar had explained to the IAS probationers about the teaching, research and extension activities of university. Later, IAS Probationers were visited the Agri Information Hub, Rice& Maize Research centers at Agricultural Research Institute in Rajendranagar. They were also visited the Soil Health Management Institute, Quality Control Lab, Pesticides Residue Lab, millet incubation center and had interaction with the scientists. Post lunch, the Probationary officers were visited the central instrumentation centre, Knowledge management Centre and Agri Hub. IAS Probationers have felt happy to know how about the agricultural education, research & extension programs in the university and also know about the agricultural scenario in the state.