College of Agriculture, NSS unit, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad is scheduled different day wise activities on the Iconic Week Celebration as part of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" under India@75 celebration from 09.08.2022 to 22.08.2022. During this period, the NSS Unit, College of Agriculture, through its various scheduled Programmes, has planned a series of celebratory events and activities to understand the roots of our democracy and spread democratic ethos among our student community to familiarise them with the patriotism. As a part of “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav” Iconic week, 14th day (22.08.2022), the NSS unit College of Agriculture, Rajendranagar scheduled a programme on “Essay writing on Journey of Agriculture-Post Independence”. Intimated the students about the programme through NSS groups, OSA groups and College groups. NSS P.O’s motivated the students to participate in Essay writing. An Essay writing competition on JOURNEY OF AGRICULTURE POST INDEPENDENCE organized in GPBR seminar hall from 11:30 to 12:30. Six students participated in essay writing. The topic on essay writing competition is related agriculture, hence the students’ performance in competitions were noteworthy. The competitions were witnessed by Dr. C. Narendra Reddy, Associate Dean, and NSS P.O’s. The winners and runners of the competitions were decided after committee evaluation. The first prize goes to B. Akshaya Shetty, CARA-2021-194 and the Second prize goes to A. Abhinay CARA-2021-022.