Dr. V Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU had inaugurated the newly established English language labs in all the 9 constituent colleges in hybrid mode on 27th June 2022. The physical inaugural program was organised at the College of Agriculture Rajendranagar. VC has attended as chief guest and inaugurates the language lab in the premises of the college and simultaneously inaugurated the other labs through virtual mode along with students, faculty & university officers. These labs were established with the cost of 1.85 crores and provided 15 to 30 computers in each language lab and also installed the interactive English language softwares, it can be used multipurpose tasks like language learning & practice, virtual webinars, drawings, learning of other international languages etc,. While addressing Dr. V Praveen Rao, has advised the faculty and students unless one cannot own this facility & use it properly, the whole effort will be futile. Faculty must encourage the students to take advantage of the English language lab for various purposes says VC. University Officers, Faculty & Students were present in the inaugural session and remaining colleges officers were joind in virtual meeting.