The pilot plant on ‘Millet based Paratha’ of Levain Bakers Private Limited, headed by Mrs Nalini, an incubatee of AgHub, PJTSAU and also a recipient of the AgHub Boot Strap Grant, was inaugurated by the Honorable former Vice Chancellor of PJTSAU Dr. V. Praveen Rao at PGRC, Department of Foods and Nutrition, CCSC, Hyderabad on 4.08.2022. The technical inputs for the formulation of this Ready to eat millet-based paratha were provided by the mentor Dr T Supraja, Professor in the Department of Foods and Nutrition. The Programme was graced by all the University officers of PJTSAU, Dean of the Faculty of Community Science Dr. Ratna Kumari, Ag-hub Managing Director Dr. Kalpana Sastry, staff of Dept of FDNT, AICRP and Students. Dr Praveen Rao said that the many more entrepreneurs should come forward with the novel ideas to establish the healthy food-based enterprises to add the food diversity and healthy food choices of the consumers. They also appreciated the team as parathas developed were the convenient and healthier and should made available to all .