Inauguration of Regional Workshop on Youth as Torchbearers of Business Oriented Agriculture in South India on 21-10-2019 at University Auditorium, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

Inauguration of Regional Workshop on Youth as Torchbearers of Business Oriented Agriculture in South India on 21-10-2019 at University Auditorium, PJTSAU, Hyderabad

The Central and State governments have initiated several schemes for the welfare of the farmers and development of farming sector to enhance the farmers income” said Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan, Hon’ble Governor of Telangana State, while inaugurating the Regional workshop, at University Auditorium, PJTSAU on 21-10-2019. Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University (PJTSAU) is hosting a “Regional Workshop on Youth as Torch Bearers of Business Oriented Agriculture in South India” in collaboration with TAAS (Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences), APAARI (Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions) and ICAR - NAARM on 21st and 22nd October, 2019. While speaking on this occasion Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan has praised the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s, efforts for being implemented the programs such as doubling of farmers income, Farm Insurance, Input support scheme to the farmers for improving their lively hoods. Hon'ble Governor has also appreciated the efforts of the State Government for implementing several good programs for betterment of the farmers in the state. She says that, Telangana is rapidly moving forward in agriculture and stood example for many states in the country by implementing several programs by the State Government. Governor has told that, in next month governors meeting to be held in New Delhi, she has chosen to talk and made presentation on agriculture and schemes implemented by central Government as well as Telangana State Government she added. Hon'ble governor further said that, innovation are very much needed in agriculture sector for making agriculture as profitable venture. The youth of India must utilize the opportunities available in agricultural sector as well as they become torch bearers for business oriented agriculture she said. She urged that, efforts have to be made and to work hard to bring back the glory of agriculture. The innovative ideas in this sector by the youth and budding entrepreneurs may really helpful to the farming community at large she added. She also told the Mahatma Gandhi’s quote that “ Farmer is the father of the world” and agriculture is his culture he said. Governor has appreciated the Vice Chancellor Dr V Praveen Rao for organizing such a important regional workshop and also appreciated him for being working for the betterment of agriculture sector in Telangana. She also praised the Agriculture Minister for practicing agriculture and exporting mangoes to European countries. The Agriculture Minister of Telangana State Sri. S. Niranjan Reddy, has stated that, the State Government’s initiatives for the farmers like farm loan waiver, subsidization of farm mechanization, micro irrigation, uninterrupted power supply for agricultural purpose etc. The most important initiatives taken under agriculture sector being RythuBandhu and Farmers Group Life Insurance (RythuBima) which have been acclaimed throughout the country and also at International level (FAO).The Government of Telangana also launched “MissionKakatiya” to revive and rejuvenate tank irrigation, re-engineer the canal irrigation system. Extension service has strengthened and its services are made available by providing one Agriculture Officer for each mandal in the State. Horticulture is also identified has one of the focus sectors and crop colonies are being promoted to ensure remunerative income to farmers and promoting food processing sector in the State. After formation of Telangana State, the Government has permitted to start new Colleges of Agriculture, Food Science & Technology and Polytechnics to meet the increasing demand for trained man power for Agriculture and allied sector in the State. He also said that, decreasing size of land holding, increasing population, decreasing profit, want of better living standard etc. are the important factors responsible for taking away youth from agriculture profession. This can be remedied by promoting agriculture related ventures such as dairy farming, bee-culture, mushroom cultivation, sericulture, fish-farming etc. along with crop cultivation. Rural youth should be provided training at Panchayat level for taking up these agri-based income generating units as per their interest and availability of resources along with proper financial support at low interest rate from concerned banks and other institutions. Proper marketing facilities need to be created in rural area so that farmers may get maximum return of their produce. Attracting youth towards agriculture is a challenging task in a present economic and competitive environment said the Former Director General of ICAR Dr RS Paroda. He said that there is a need to encourage the youth becomes successful entrepreneurs and ensure sustainable growth in agricultural sector. Dr.V. Praveen Rao, Vice Chancellor, PJTSAU has delivered the welcome address and he explained that the background of organizing the Regional workshop that there is a need to INSPIRE – Sow an idea, skill and sustain, plan and precipitate, innovate through IOT, Reach out to technology providers, finance providers and finally end users to sell the product for making the farm a viable business enterprise. There are several corporate organizations, community based organizations, development sector organizations, farmer cooperatives, processing industries, input providers, public domain institutions which have the know how to empower the interested young members in the art of farming for profit while ensuring welfare of communities. However the linkages between these change agents are localized, denying opportunity for a larger audience to learn about the opportunities, challenges and success stories of young men and women who have ventured into the agribusiness domain. There is a need to provide a platform for exchange of ideas, problem solving, providing inputs for policy support and most importantly, networking. BVR Mohan Reddy, Founder Chairman, CYIENT, Dr Peter Carberry, Director General ICRISAT were also spoke on this occasion. Later Hon’ble governer Dr Tamilisai Soundararajan has inaugurated the agri exhibition near the venue. In this two day regional workshop about 400 agricultural graduates from Southern States, Vice Chancellors of several agricultural Universities Progressive farmers, entrepreneurs are also participating in the deliberations.