Two Skill Development Training Programmes on Jobroles “Nursery Worker” and “Vermicompost Producer” were inaugurated at KVK, Kampasagar on 15.2.2020. The Training Programmes will be conducted from 15.2.2020 to 18.3.2020 for 25 days to 20 Trainees in each Job Role with support of National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) and Agriculture Skill Council of India (ASCI) sponsored by Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship, GOI. Dr. M. A. Aariff Khan, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar addressed the Trainees and emphasized on Importance and necessity of establishing commercial Nurseries for vegetable and fruit cropsi and Vermicompost Production units in Nalgonda District and advised the trainees to develop sucessful Enterprenuers by utilizing the training programme effectively. Dr.Hameedunnisa Begum, Principal Sceintist (Horticulture), Horticultural Research Station, Aswaraopet, SKLTSHU as Guest of Honour adressed the Trainees and discussed about various commercial methods of Propagation of Horticultural crops and importance of Nursery raising in present Scenario. T.Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture) and Dr.T.Bharat SMS (Crop Production) briefed about the training programme outline, technial sessions and practicals involvement, Exposure visits on respective jobroles. Dr.K.Sumalini, Vice Principal, APT, Kampasagar and other KVK Sceintists present on the ocassion.