Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Prof. Aldas Janaiah, PJTAU held a meeting with the staff and students of PJTAU at the University Auditorium, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad on 24.10.2024. He called upon everyone to work towards making Professor Jayashankar Telangana Agricultural University one of the top ten institutions at the national level. He further stated that the University is currently ranked 37th place and suggested that the University should achieve a rank below 10 in the next three years. On this occasion, he thanked the Hon’ble Telangana Governor, Chief Minister, Deputy Chief Minister and Agriculture Minister for giving him this opportunity. Addressing that the posts of University Officers will be filled up by the end of the December 2024. In order to make agricultural education accessible to the common man, special quota seats have been increased drastically and half of the fees have been reduced. Prof. A. Janaiah said that steps would be taken to fill up the vacancies in the University as per the existing rules and regulations. All efforts will be made to solve the problems of teaching and non-teaching staff and students. Prof. A. Janaiah announced that this is the parent University, and a Diamond jubilee will be held soon. University Officers, Teaching and Non-teaching staff, Student Representatives, Alumni Representatives, A large of number of students participated in the programme and congratulated the Hon’ble Vice Chancellor of PJTAU, Prof. A. Janaiah.