International Women’s day was celebrated at KVK, Kampasagar on 08-03-2021

International Women’s day was celebrated at KVK, Kampasagar on 08-03-2021

International Womens day was celebrated at KVK, Kampasagar on 08.03.2021. Dr. M. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar explained the importance of Women’s day Celebrations. Dr.M.Govardhan, Senior Professor and Head, ARS, Kampasagar briefed the role of women in agriculture. KVK Scientists Dr.M. Shankar (SMS, Plant Protection), Dr.T.Bharath, SMS (Crop Production), T.Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture) and S.Pallavi, SMS (Extension) participated in the programme and expressed their views. Later, felicitated five successful women farmers and women entrepreneur of Nalgonda District. Conducted essay writing completion on the eve of International Women’s day and distributed prizes to Agricultural Polytechnique students.