IRR, Rajendranagar - Farmers training cum drone spraying demonstration in DSR under NABARD funded project “Development of Drone based package of practices in direct seeded rice” at RARS, Warangal on 24.11.2022

IRR, Rajendranagar - Farmers training cum drone spraying demonstration in DSR under NABARD funded project “Development of Drone based package of practices in direct seeded rice” at RARS, Warangal on 24.11.2022

As a part of training and capacity building programmes to farmers and rural youth under NABARD-PJTSAU-Drone-DSR Project, a farmer training cum field demonstration of drone spraying in DSR was organized by Institute of Rice Research, ARI, Rajendranagar at RARS, Warangal in collaboration with DAATTC, Warangal on 24.11.2022. A total of 70 farmers and agricultural diploma students from APT, Warangal, faculty from RARS, Warangal and Agricultural College, Warangal, input dealers and print and electronic media participated in the training programme. The main aim of the training programme cum field demonstration of drone spraying is create the awareness among the farming community on SOPs for drone spraying of herbicides, nutrients and pesticides in DSR as well as scope and opportunities in use of drones in agriculture. Dr. R. Umareddy, ADR, RARS, Warangal, Dr. P. Raghu Rami Reddy, PS (Rice) and Head, IRR, Rajendranagar, Scientists from IRR, Rajendranagar, RARS, Warangal, AG College, Warangal and DAATTC, Warangal were participated.