ISHM, ARI,rajendranagar Conducted World Soil Day Celebrations at Nakkalapalli village, Moinabad mandal, Ranga Reddy district on 05-12-2023.

ISHM, ARI,rajendranagar Conducted World Soil Day Celebrations at Nakkalapalli village, Moinabad mandal, Ranga Reddy district on 05-12-2023.

World soil day was organized on December,5 ,2023 with a theme of Soil and Water: As a source of Life in adopted village at Nakkalapalli village, Moinabad mandal, Ranga Reddy district, Telangana state. To this programme Forty-eight farmers, Eight scientists, Two Village level VIPs and Agricultural department officials were participated in the event. Dr.A.Madhavi, Principal Scientist & Head ,ISHM, AICRP on STCR, Hyderabad center explains about importance of soil and water for agriculture, practices to improve the soil health and quality of water and educated the farmers on the importance of soil testing for balanced fertilizer application. Further, explained about the importance of soil organic matter, cover crops, control of soil erosion, less tillage activities etc; to improve the soil health. Also directed the farmers on the adoption of soil test-based fertilizer application to improve the crop productivity. Dr. K. Pavan Chandra Reddy, Principal Scientist, STCR, Hyderabad Centre explained the importance of soil health cards and how to interpret soil test values for fertilizer application in soil health card. Thirty Soil health cards were distributed to the concern farmers of the village. Farmers were educated on how to improve the quality of soil health by using more organic manures. Dr.Ch. Damodar Raju, Principal scientist & Head, Institute of Rice Research, briefed about management practices to be followed for rabi rice cultivation. Dr. P.Rajaiah, Principal scientist & Head, AICRP on FIM scheme highlighted the use of different farm machinery in agriculture for different crops to the farmers. Dr.B.Padmaja, Principal scientist (Agron.), AICRP on Weed management, clarified the questions raised by the farmers for control of weeds in different crops. Dr.M. Rajeshwar Naik, Principal Scientist, AICRP on Forage crops, suggested suitable fodder crops for livestock of the village. Dr.A.Rama krishna Babu, Scientist, AICRP on Biological Control and Dr. Ch. Sravan kumar from FIM scheme also participated in this programme. The motive of the programme was to imbibe scientific knowledge among the farmers on the importance of soil testing, soil health and the interpretation of soil health cards for application of fertilizers based on soil test values to reduce the imbalanced fertilizer application. Further, to bring awareness on activities taken up by PJTSAU to the farming community. Scientist farmer interaction was the major highlight of the day and the scientists explained the queries raised by the farmers.