Telangana Ideology Prof Jayashankar Vardhanthi celebrated at Administrative Office, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar on 21-06-2022

Telangana Ideology Prof Jayashankar Vardhanthi celebrated at Administrative Office, PJTSAU, Rajendranagar on 21-06-2022

The Telangana Ideaologue Prof Jayashankar Vardhanthi was celebrated in the PJTSAU on 21st June 2022. Hon'ble V.C. PJTSAU Dr. V. Praveebn Rao, has garlanded the statue of the Prof Jayashanklar and paid floral tributes also with Registrar Dr. S. Sudheer Kumar, at inner gate of the rajendranagar main campus. Later, Teachning and Non teaching Staff, Registrar, University Officers were also paid floral tributes at portraite of the Prof Jayashankar in Administrative Office.