Mahatma Jyotirao Phule Birth anniversary was celebrated at Agricultural College, Adilabad involving staff and students on 11-04-2024 at 9.30 AM. As a part of Programme OISA, Ag. College, Adilabad, Dr. M. Suresh, Asst. Professor (SS&AC) garlanded the photo of Mahatma Jyotirao Phule and paid floral tributes. The staff and students also paid homage to Mahatma Jyotirao Phule with flowers. Dr. M. Suresh, Later welcomed the teaching, non-teaching staff and student and was followed by addressed about the significance of the day, briefed about Mahatma Jyotirao Phule life history, Most importantly, On his birth anniversary, it is important to remember Jyotirao Phule's contributions and continue to work towards the goals that he dedicated his life to achieving. Through education, advocacy, and activism, we can strive to build a society that is free from discrimination and oppression.Mahatma Jyotirao Govindrao Phule was born on April 11, 1827. Every year, this day is celebrated as Jyotiba Phule Jayanti. He was India’s foremost social reformer, educator, and thinker. Born in Maharashtra, Mahatma Jyotiba Phule was an anti-caste social reformer who played a crucial role in eradicating untouchability and empowering society. He also made organised efforts for the rights of farmers and laborers. One of Phule's most significant contributions to Indian society was his work in the field of education. He believed that education was the key to social change and worked tirelessly to establish schools for girls and lower castes. He also established the Satyashodhak Shala, which was a school for Dalit children. The programme ended with the vote of thanks presented by the Officer In charge of Student Affairs, Dr. M. Suresh.