As per the instructions of University, “Kisan Diwas” was organized and conducted by KVK, Kampasagar on 23.12.2020. On this occasion Dr. M. Shankar, SMS (Crop Protection) and i/c Programme Coordinator addressed the gathering and briefed the importance of Farmers and their contribution in keeping the Nation food secure. After that, Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production) explained the issues facing by present day farmers and advised some possible solution for farmers benefit in terms of production and marketing. S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension) mentioned extension gaps between farmers and new technologies available and role of KVK in reducing such technology gaps. Scientists of KVK, G. Krishnaveni, RA (Home Science) and J. Jeshwanthi, SRF (Fisheries) also participated and briefed about the farmers role in Indian economy. A total of 20 no. farmers were participated in the programme.