Organized Kisan Mela on “Integrated Crop Management” under HDPS special project on 07.03.2025 at DAATTC Tandur

Organized Kisan Mela on “Integrated Crop Management” under HDPS special project on 07.03.2025 at DAATTC Tandur

DAATTC-ARS, Tandur organized Kisan Mela program on”Integrated Crop Management” in High Density Planting System in Cotton under special project on cotton, ICAR-CICR titled “Targeting technologies to agro-ecological zones-large scale demonstration of best practices to enhance cotton productivity” under NFSM 2024 at ARS,Tandur (Mandal), Vikarabad district on 07.03.2025. Mr.Badavath Kishore (YP-II) welcomes the farmers & guests later Mr. T. Laxman, Coordinator, DAATTC, Tandur explained about the objectives of the Project & briefed the gathering about the activities taken up under HDPS cotton in all four divisions of Vikarabad district and explained about seed rate and plant population numerical terms in HDPS cotton compared to normal method of sowing and also told that Under HDPS cotton the crop can be harvested by December end then the farmer can go for sowing of second crop (Short duration pulses) and he can get higher returns and soil fertility can be improved by January 2nd fortnight and urged farmers need to know about HDPS cotton under present situations and also explained about suitable varieties for High density planting system. Dr.K.Parimala Principal Scientist ,(Pl.Breeding), ARS, Tandur, explained about suitable soils (Light chelka soils) for high density, to escape from labour shortage farmers should go with mechanical picking of cotton in HDPS also explained about the precise water and nutrient management in HDPS cotton for optimum yields. Also given overview about the Newly released varieties and told the characters of the varieties of Different crops. Dr.K.Sujatha,Scientist (Pl.Breeding), ARS, Tandur, explained about the Crop Management of Jowar Crop and also told about Varieties and their Characters . Sri K.Shekar, Scientist (Agro.), ARS, Tandur explained about Weed management in Various crops and also told about Precautions to be taken during Spraying weedicides. Sri N.Mohan Reddy, DAO Vikarabad District,Given overview of Cotton crop acreage in vikarabad district and Told that Farmers will get More Income in Practicising HDPS System and also told that faremers should adopt this new system of Cotton cultivation. Smt.C.Yamuna Scientist, DAATTC,Tandur explained about Pest and Disease Management in different crop and showed way of installation of Pheromone traps in fields and it’s role in identification of pest incidence in HDPS cotton and Suggested farmers Practice setting of Pheromone traps in their field. Dr.V.Sunitha Scientist AICRP,Vertebrate pest management, explained about importance of Quality honey and apiculture also explained management practices against vertebrate pest like wild bore,monkeys and birds. After the interaction session,conducted felicitation ceremony to the guest faculty who participated in the Kisan Mela program also felicitated Progressive farmers.after Felicitation Visited Various stalls which are installed by RAWEP students and seed companies Along with DAO sir Finally Mr.Badavath.Kishore, YP-II, DAATTC, Tandur gave the Vote of Thanks to the farmers, Scientist, Agriculture department officers and print & Electronic media for the successful implementation of the Kisan Mela program. After that lunch followed.