Agricultural Research Station, Adilabad has conducted “Kisan Mela” with financial support of ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research, Nagpur under “Insecticide Resistance Management (IRM): Dissemination of pink bollworm management strategies” at TTDC hall, Adilabad on 24.04.2021. The programme has begun with PJTSAU university song. In this programme, Dr. Sreedhar Chauhan, Principal Scientist(Agro) & Head, ARS, Adilabad participated as chief guest and expressed that area wide integrated pest management is better for management of pink bollworm in cotton than individual IPM practices. Sri N. Ramesh, District Agricultural Officer i/c, Adilabad participated as a guest of honor and spelt that PBW control is possible only through erection of pheromone traps @ 4-8 per acre. Project Director, ATMA & FTC, Adilabad told that by arranging farmers charcha goshti in villages can control pink bollworm in cotton. Sri Govardhan Yadav, REAC member, NTZ, PJTSAU, expressed about farmer to farmer extension is very essential for management of major problems like pink bollworm in cotton. Dr. V. Tirumal Rao, Senior Scientist (Plant breeding) ARS, Adilabad explained about short duration Bt varieties, High Density Planting System and Machine harvesting of cotton. Sri K. Rajashekar Scientist (Entomology) presented life cycle, nature of damage and management of pink bollworm in cotton through power point. Dr. D. Mohandas, Scientist (Agronomy) emphasized about fertilizer management in cotton. Dr. Ramadevi, SMS (Plant protection) spoke about combination insecticides for the control of pink bollworm. Dr. Sucharitha, Senior Scientist & Head, HRS, Adilabad expressed that along with cotton, cultivation of Horticultural crops are also important. In this programme Sri G. Anil Scientist (Plant breeding), ARS, Adilabad, A. Srikanth, SRF IRM project, M. Swapnil YP IRM Project and 130 farmers of different mandals of Adilabad also participated.