Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District has organized Awareness programme on Farmer Producer Organization in collaboration with Reliance Foundation to dairy farmers on 14th December, 2021 at M.P.D.O Office of K.B. Asifabad district. In this programme, Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Senior Scientist & Head (Programme Coordinator) presided the meeting and given the introductory remarks to the gathering about the importance of Farmer Producer Organizations. He coated different farmer producing organizations which already established and working remarkably in Telangana state and informed that there is good scope and opportunity for establishment of milk producers FPO in Asifabad district as there were good number of farmers dealing with dairy animals. Further added information about different alternate crops suitable to replace Yasangi paddy in the district. Dr. Shiva Krishna Kota, SMS (Agril. Extension) explained the rules and regulations in the formation of FPO’s. He added information on the registration process and detailed about the pros and cons in the FPO formation. Dr. B. Sathish Kumar SMS (Agrometeorology) addressed the farmers about present rainfall status and rainfall forecast in the Kumrumbheem Asifabad district and also addressed the farmers on measures to be taken during present weather conditions. In this programme, public representatives: Sri. Mallikarjun Yadav- M.P.P and Sarpanches. Officials- Smt. Shashikala Rathode- M.P.D.O, Dr. Murali- District Veterinary officer, Representatives from Reliance foundation and 60 farmers were participated.