Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District has celebrated ‘KISAN MELA’ and Farmer Scientist Interaction programme in collaboration with Agri Biotech Foundation, Hyderabad on 26th February, 2022 at Rythu vedika of Rebbena mandal, K.B. Asifabad district under TSP component and distributed the bio fertilizers to tribal farmers. Initially Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Principal Scientist & Head (Programme Coordinator) presided the meeting and explained different activaties done by Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli in Asifabad district during last 4 years. He explained about crop diversification for increase of soil health. Further explained the necessity of legume based cropping system and judicious use of fertilizers. Dr. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, Director, Agri-Biotech Foundation explained about different objectives and goals of Agri-Biotech Foundation and activities in rural areas. Dr. Gidda Reddy, member of Agri-Biotech Foundation addressed about the importance and uses of bio-fertilizer incorporation in agriculture. Dr.Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agril. Extension) explained the importance of farmer’s producer organizations in modern agriculture and different activities done by the KVK, Bellampalli towards formation of the FPO’s. Further added the information on the use of ICT tools in agriculture and subscription of PJTSAU Youtube channel. Dr. B. Sathish Kumar SMS (Agrometeorology) addressed the farmers about present rainfall status and rainfall forecast for the next 5 days in the aspirational district of Kumrumbheem Asifabad and Mancherial and usage of weather based mobile applications. In this meeting, department of agriculture officials, Sri. Manjulatha, M.A.O., Rebbena, Sri. Thirumalesh, M.A.O. Tiryani and AEOs, Sri. A. Shekar, NABARD representative, Sri Mrs. Dr. Sandya Rao, ABF staff, Sri. V. Santhosh, Z.P.T.C (Rebbena) and more than 200 farmers were participated in this programme.