Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District has conducted parthenium awareness campaign at Ankusham village of Bellampalli Mandal, Mancherial district on 23.08.2022. In this programme, Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Principal Scientist & Head (Programme Coordinator) has created awareness to the farmers on harmful effects of parthenium on crop growth and spreading pest diseases and also causes negative impact on human health such as allergy, asthma etc. Further, explained the integrated management practices through community approach in order to eradicate the parthenium. Suggested to spraying of herbicides like paraquate or glufocinate ammonium or salt solution to control the parthenium. Later, along with public representatives and farmers removed the parthenium weed in the village. In this programme, KVK staff Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agril. Extension), Sri. Nagaraju Alugoju, SMS (Plant Protection) and Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production) are participated. A total of 21 farmers participated in the programme along with public representatives.