Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District has organized an Audio Conference on Integrated Crop Management in Cotton in collaboration with Reliance foundation on 15th September, 2021. Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Senior Scientist & Head (Programme Coordinator) has addressed the farmers about the nutrient management and management of Vegetable production, economic opportunity and market access keeping in view of doubling of farmers income in agri and allied sectors. Dr.Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agril. Extension) explained the importance of FPO’s. Sri. A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection) explained about the IPM practices in vegetable crops and he further cleared the farmer’s queries regarding pest-disease management. Dr. I. Thirupathi, SMS (Crop Production) cleared the farmer’s queries regarding different weed management practices in rice. Smt. U. Sravanthi, SMS (Horticulture) explained about different management practices and cleared the farmer’s queries regarding pest and disease management in major vegetable crops under present situations. Dr. B. Sathish Kumar SMS (Agrometeorology) addressed the farmers about present rainfall status and rainfall forecast for the next 5 days in the aspirational district of Kumrumbheem Asifabad. A total of 42 numbers of farmers were participated from Asifabad mandal (Ada, Jakualapall village, Rebbena mandal of Kumrumbheem Asifabad District, Vadala village, Bheemini mandal of Mancherial District.