Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bellampalli, Mancherial District organized an awareness programme on Weather Based Agromet Advisory and its importance in present agriculture under the project of DAMU (District Agromet Unit) at KVK, Bellampalli on 21st January, 2021. The main objective of this programme is to create awareness on the significant role of weather and the importance in the utilization of weather based agromet advisory bulletin consisting of information on rainfall, temperature and agro advisory related to Mancherial and KB Asifabad districts. Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Senior Scientist & Programme Coordinator, KVK, Bellampalli addressed the gathering on the role of short range weather forecast including the package of practices of major crops cultivating in the ongoing season to ensure the crops with improved management including need based plant protection advisories and the way to utilize of this information in day to day farming situation. Dr. B. Sathish Kumar, SMS (Agrometeorology) explained about the present weather conditions and the practices need to follow in different agriculture and horticulture crops cultivating during yasangi, 2020-21.In this programme KVK scientists, Dr. Shivakrishna Kota, SMS (Agricultural Extension), Sri. A. Nagaraju, SMS (Plant Protection), Dr. I. Thirupathi SMS (Crop Production), Sri. Bapu, Sarpanch (Manneguda) and 35 farmers from different adopted villages of KVK were attended.