Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has celebrated 94th ICAR Foundation Day Celebrations and DFI farmers meet on 16.07.2022. On the occasion the live programme was telecasted and shown to farmers. In this programme Dr. T. Bharath, SMS, Crop Production briefly explained the role of ICAR in doubling the farmers income. Smt. T. Himabindu, SMS, Horticulture advised farmers to use inputs provided by ICAR under different schemes. Smt. S. Pallavi, SMS, Extension explained the different schemes available at ICAR to farmers. Smt. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) briefed about the ICAR institute importance in Indian Agriculture and doubling the farmers income. In this programme the scientists of KVK, Kampasagar, Non-Teaching staff and farmers 110 members were participated.