Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has conducted 9th University Foundation Day Celebrations on 03.09.2023. On this occasion Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar briefly explained the role of PJTSAU in doubling the farmers income. Dr. K. Chandrashaker, SMS (Crop Production) explained the different technologies available at university to farmers. Smt. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) briefed about the university importance in Telangana Agriculture and doubling the farmers income. Mr. SD. Ali Basha a men farmer nominated by KVK, Kampasagar won cash prize of Rs.5,000/- prize and certificate under PJTSAU best progressive farmer Awards for recognizing work in Direct seeded paddy using drum seeder technology. In this programme the scientists of KVK, Kampasagar, Non-Teaching staff were participated.