Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organized Zoom Farmer Awareness Campaign on Balance use of fertilizers on 18th June, 2021. Dr. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar welcomed guest and explained Soil test based Fertilizer application and Role of fertilizers in supply plant essential nutrients. Honourable Member of Legislative Assembly Sri Nomula Bhagath, Nagarjuna Sagar address the gathering regarding promotion of Green Manuring and Telangana Government Policies for Agricultural Development. Sri. Subba Reddy,Vice President, Coramanadal Fertilizer Private Limited, Telangana explained Role of soil testing in balance use of fertilizer and crop residue Management.Later,Dr.T.Bharath, Scientist (Crop Production) Created awareness on Soil health card and bio fertilizer usage. T.Himabindu, Scientist (Horticulture) Created awareness on Drip and Fertigation technology. In this Zoom meeting scientists Dr.M.Shankar, S.Pallavi, A.Saikiran and 70 No. of Farmers were participated. Simultaneously KVK, Kampasagar organized off line training cum Demonstration on Soil testing and soil sampling at Srinivasanagar Programme Assistant (Soil Science) and 30 farmers were participated.