PJTSAU - KVK, Kampasagar – Field day on High Density Planting System in cotton on 19-10-2023

PJTSAU - KVK, Kampasagar – Field day on High Density Planting System in cotton on 19-10-2023

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar organized Field day on High Density Planting System in cotton under the cotton special project “Targeting technologies to Agro-Ecological Zones – Large Scale Demonstrations of Best Practices to Enhance Cotton Productivity” 19th October, 2023. To show the successful farming technique in HDPS cotton, farmers were exposed to farmer field at Idikuda (Vil), Chandur (Mdl), Nalgonda (Dist). He is cultivating cotton in HDPS system. In this programme, Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Programme Coordinator, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, explained about spacing to maintained and growth regulator application in HDPS system. Explained strategies to be followed to get more monetary returns with this improved system. Dr. K. Chandra Shaker, SMS (Crop Production), explained common nutrient deficienciy symptoms and their management in cotton. Sri. Surya Prakash, District Manager, Rasi Seeds explained about the varieties suitable to HDPS system. After meeting farmers visited cotton crop of Shri. N. Lingaiah, farmer cultivating cotton crop in HDPS method in 25 acres. He shared his views regarding HDPS system of cotton cultivation, he used 5 packets per acre and applied mepiquat chloride at 45 and 70 DAS. In first picking he got 5 qntl of yield and expecting 5-6 qtl in next picking. In the field scientist interacted with the farmers and advised to control pink boll worm, integrated pest management and incorporation of cotton residues after harvest instead of burning. B. Chakravarthi, YP-II, M. Kartheek Reddy, YP –I and 104 N0’s farmers were participated in this programme.