As per instructions of University, Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, Nalgonda conducted Farmers Scientists interaction meeting and field visit on High Density Planting System-Cotton with Pneumatic planter at Konda mallepally of Nalgonda District on occasion of visit of Dr.S.K.Chowdary, Deputy Director General (NRM). In this programme Dr.S.K.Chowdary, Deputy Director General (Natural Resource Management), ICAR, New Delhi has interacted with farmers regarding difficult faced by HDPS Cotton adopted and enquired about difference between the normal planting and HDPS Cotton including Pneumatic planter seeding, Plant growth regulator, Saving of crop duration and yield . Later, a felicitation was done to Dr. S.K. Choudary, DDG (NRM), ICAR by Scientists of KVK, ARS, Department officials and farmers. In this programme Dr. I. Srinivas, Principal Scientist (Agri Eng), CRIDA, Hyderabad, Dr. M. Shankaraiah, PC, KVK, Kampasagar, Dr. Lingaiah, Head, ARS, Kampasagar, Dr. T. Bharath, Scientist, Crop production, KVK, Kampasagar, MAO of Kondamallepalli, ATMA Chairman, MPP, ZPTC and Farmers were participated