Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar organized Kisan mela cum Agricultural Exhibition under the special cotton project “Targeting technologies to Agro-Ecological Zones – Large Scale Demonstrations of Best Practices to Enhance Cotton Productivity” during 15th November, 2023. To update the farming community about cotton cultivation in HDPS technology and to have interactions with scientists and cotton growers Farmers are invited from cotton growing areas of Nalgonda viz., Munugode, Shaligowraram, Nakrekal, CHintapally, Haliya, Thipparthi, Devarakonda and Dindi. In this programme chief guest Dr I. Swarnalatha Devi, ADE, PJTSAU advised farmers to adopt HDPS technology to get more income. Guest of Honour, Dr. M. Mall Reddy, ADR, RARS, STZ, Palem explained about HDPS cotton and incorporation of cotton stalks after harvesting. Special guests Dr. M. Amutha, Principal Scientist, Regional Station, ICAR-CICR, Coibatore explained the measures to overcome pink bollworm in cotton by adopting HDPS system in cotton. Madam also explained about IPM practices to be followed for control pests and diseases. Shri. Sharath Chandra Reddy, Plant Head, Reddy’s Lab, Peddadevulapally explained about the mechanization in agriculture. Dr. S. Srinivasa Rao, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Kampasagar briefed about HDPS cotton cultivation in Nalgonda (Dist.) and explained about the cotton cultivation and monetary benefits in both normal and HDPS system, and application of growth regulators in HDPS system. Dr. N. Lingaiah, Senior Scientist & Head, explained about rice varieties suitable to rabi season and management practices to be followed in getting good yields. Dr. V. Sridhar, Scientist (Plant Breeding) explained about the pulses cultivation after cotton which improves soil quality and reduces pink boll worm. During interaction farmers were expressed their views regarding HDPS cotton and encouraged the farmers towards HDPS cotton cultivation. After the programme guests released the literature on HDPS cotton. In this programme KVK scientists Dr. Chandra Shaker, S. Pallavi, ARS scientist Dr G Shiva Prasad, Dr Sandya Rani, Swathi, Sri ramya, Young professionals attended the meeting. KVK, Kampasagar, Nuziveedu seeds, Rasi seeds, IFFCO, Crystal seeds, Coromandal Pvt Ltd, TS seeds, Aries Pvt Ltd, Mahindra Tractors, Syngenta company employees exhibited their products in the Agricultural exhibition. Nearly 530 farmers were attended this programme.