KVK, Kampasagar organized and live telecasted the National Campaign on Food and Nutrition for Farmers at KVK, Kampasagar on 26.08.2021. In the series of events under “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” ICAR is organizing one National level campaign every month. The theme for the month of August 2021 is “Food and Nutrition for Farmers”. As part of the event Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon'ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare addressed the farmers and live telecasted the Programme. Later Dr. M. Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection) addressed the gathering on importance of nutrition, S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension) explained the farmers on need of nutritional gardening, Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production), T. Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture), A. Sai Kiran, SMS (Agro Meteorology) and Farmers (78 No.) participated in the programme.