Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organised ‘Three days Skill Training Programme on Tailoring’ under SC Sub Plan, 2024-25 from 21.08.2024 to 23.08.2024

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organised ‘Three days Skill Training Programme on Tailoring’ under SC Sub Plan, 2024-25 from 21.08.2024 to 23.08.2024

Skill Training Programme on “Tailoring” under SCSP Project was organized by KrishiVigyan Kendra, Kampasagar for 3 days from 21.08.2024 to 23.08.2024at KrishiVigyan Kendra, Kampasagar, Thripurarammandal Nalgonda district. Smt. T. Nagamani, Entrepreneur,SaimaniBotique, Miryalaguda, acted as Resource person and Instructor for 3 days and she taken theory and Practical sessions on Basic techniques inTailoring, Handling of Stitching machine, Cutting of cloth for Blouse stitching, Threading,Piping and Hand work for blouse stitching, cutting for frock stitching, Stitching of Blouse and Frock. 20 no. of SC Womenfrom adopted village of KVK, Kampasagar under SCSP project were participated as trainees for 3 days.Dr. S. Srinivasarao, Programme Coordinator inaugurated the programme on 21st August andexplained about the SCSP project and emphasized on self employment of women to develop asentrepreneur. Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) acted as programme in charge.Conducted valedictory session on 23rd August, 2024 and distributed 10 no.of Stitching machines to the participants. In this programme,Dr. S. Srinivasarao, Programme coordinator,Dr. K. Chandrashaker, SMS (Crop Production), Smt. A. Ramulamma, SMS (Plant Protection) Smt. S. Pallavi SMS (Extension), and 20 no. of SC Women from Venkatadripalem village Anumulamandal and Kupaspalli village Anumulamandal(adopted villages of KVK, Kampasagar under SCSP project) wereparticipated.