KVK, Kampasagar items distribution under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and Field visit on Redgram, Green gram, Paddy and Agri-Silvi culture on 8th and 9th February 2022 respectively
KVK, Kampasagar items distribution under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and Field visit on Redgram, Green gram, Paddy and Agri-Silvi culture on 8th and 9th February 2022 respectively
KVK, Kampasagar distributed items under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) and visited fields of Redgram, Green gram, Paddy and Agri-Silvi culture on 8th and 9th February 2022 respectively.
- Scientists involved
- Dr. M. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator & Head, KVK, Kampasagar
- Dr. M. Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection)
- Dr. T. Bharath, SMS (Crop Production)
- Smt. S. Pallavi, SMS (Extension)
Details of Activities
- Items distribution under Tribal Sub Plan (TSP) on 08.02.2022
- Distributed Pheromone traps, Carbofuran 3G granules (10 kg per person) and Isoprothiolin (500 ml bottle per person) Chemicals to ST farmers Erraguntlathanda (Vill.) in Nalgonda Dist.
- Briefed the farmers about how install pheromone traps and uses of chemicals.
- In this programme a total of 25 farmers and scientists of KVK participated.
- Field visit to Redgram, Green gram, Paddy and Agri-Silvi culture on 09.02.2022
- Redgram: The crop is at pod filling to harvesting stage. Observed Pod fly damage and recommended spraying of Proclaim @ 80 g per acre as control measure
- Green gram: The crop is at flowering stage. Observed Leaf curl damage and recommended installation of yellow sticky traps and Spraying of Acetamiprid @ 60 g per acre
- Paddy: The crop is at tillering stage and in good condition
- Agri – Silvi culture: The components are Green gram sown in between Malabar vepa plantation. Both the crops are in good condition and recommended best management strategies