Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organized Virtual Google Meet on world Honey Bee day as well as pre Kharif Awareness Programme in Paddy crop on 20-05-2021

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organized Virtual Google Meet on world Honey Bee day as well as pre Kharif Awareness Programme in Paddy crop on 20-05-2021

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Kampasagar has organized Virtual Google meet on World Honey Bee day as well as pre kharif awareness programme in Paddy crop in collaboration with Coromandal Pesticide Limited on 20th May, 2021 with the farmers of different district of Telanagana State. Dr.M. Shankaraiah, Programme Coordinator, KVK Kampasagar, explained about precautions to be taken during present covid-19 pandemic situation to the participant also addressed to the farmers about world Honey Bee and its importance. Dr.T.Bharath, Scientist (Crop Production) acted as resource person and Created awareness on Pre Kharif Activities viz., summer ploughing, soil testing, paddy stubble incorporation, Green manuring, Seed treatment, Selection of Paddy varieties, different rice systems and integrated crop management in Rice Crop. In this virtual Google meet, Dr.M.Shankar, SMS (Plant Protection), T. Himabindu, SMS (Horticulture), S.Pallavi, SMS (Extension), Sri. Balachava Reddy, Organizer (Coromandal Pesticide Limited) and 63 No. of farmers from different districts of Telangana State were attended.