Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem new administrative building was inaugurated on 19.09.2022 virtually by Dr. A. K. Singh, DDG (Agriculture Extension), ICAR, New Delhi. Dr. V. Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, PJTSAU has did ribbon cutting ceremony in virtual presence of ICAR, ATARI-X, PJTSAU officials. Dr. V. Sudha Rani, Director of Extension, PJTSAU and Dr. R. Uma Reddy, Associate Director of Research, RARS, Warangal together raised the curtain of inauguration panels. Vasthu pooja was conducted by Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Programme Co-ordinator, KVK, Bhadradri Kothagudem. Farmer Scientist interaction was conducted in the A.N. In the event 35 farmers, KVK Staff were attended.