Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothaguddem has conducted Parthenium awareness campaigning at Marrigudem Village, Sujathanagar Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem on 18.08.2023 as a part of Parthenium awareness week from 16th – 22nd August, 2023. In this programme Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao, SMS (Crop Production) has explained about integrated weed management in parthenium and suggested about seasonal weed management and explained about cleanliness around fields and field bunds to decrease pest disease inoculum and alternate host. In this programme Dr. R. Vishwatej, SMS (Extension), Mr. B. Shiva, SMS(Horticulture), has explained about ill effects of parthenium for human and animal health. A total of 25 farmers, along with Mrs. G. Narmada, Mandal Agriculture Officers, other departmental staff have participated in the programme.