Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem diagnostic team has visited the farmers’ fields of Chunchupalli Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem district on 20.03.2023. The diagnostic committee lead by Dr. V. L. Narayanamma (Programme Coordinator) including Mrs. S. Vindya, SMS(Agrometeorology), Mr. M.Suman (Agromet Observer), Mrs. Rajeswari, AO, Chunchupalli and AEO visited the paddy fields affected with blast disease and recommended to spray kasugamycin 2 ml/lt or Isoprothiolane 1.5 ml/lit of water twice at 15 days interval. In the Garimellapadu village visited to the maize fields affected with the recent rains and Fall army worm.