Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem distributed Paddy seed (KNM -1638) 25 kg/bag under SCSP 2024-25 to Ambedkar Nagar Village, Chunchupally Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem District. Inaugural address was given by the Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Programme Coordinator of KVK about the importance of SCSP subplan and own seed production at farmers level. Dr. S. Naveen Kumar, SMS (Extension) & SCSP 2024-25 incharge, elaborated about the importance various technologies developed and have been promoting through KVK system in the district under this plan. Later, Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao, SMS (Crop Production) explained about management practices to be followed for KNM 1638 seed production process. Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture), Mrs. Rajeshwari, MAO, Chunchupally Mandal and SCSP farmers of Ambedkar Nagar, Penuballi and Rudrampur were participated in this programme.