Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has conducted Kisan Mela as a part of “Kisan Bhagidari Prathmikta Hamari - Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav" at KVK premises on 26.04.2022. Inaugural session and welcome speech were hosted by Dr. R. Vishwatej, SMS (Extension). Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma (Programme Coordinator,) Dr. R. Srinivas Rao SMS, (Crop Production) and Banoth Shiva SMS (Horticulture) has conducted a Farmer -Scientist Interaction. In the programme Dr. R. Srinivas Rao, SMS (Crop Production) has explained about KVK technological achievements in the district, Dr. R. Vishwatej, SMS (Extension), has explained about KVK training and other extension activities, Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture), has explained about KVK achievements for year 2021-2022. Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Bhadradri Kothagudem has addresses the gathering and given lecture on “Save the soil”, “Organic farming”, “Sustainable agriculture”. Sri K. Abhimanyudu (DAO), Sri J. Mariyanna (DH&SO) and Dr. Purander (DV&AHO) along with their staff has participated in the Mela and conducted Farmer-Department Officers Interaction and addressed the queries of the farmers. Later, all the participants watched Shri Narendra Singh Tomar, Hon’ble Minister of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare speech through virtual video screening at the event venue. Few of the progressive farmers have shared their experience and Success stories with the gathering. Exhibition stalls on Millets, Oil palm, Scientific Bee Keeping, Drip irrigation, Farm Machinery and other modern technologies were displayed at the Mela for the benefit of farming community. A total of six progressive farmers and farm women were identified by their work and were felicitated in presence of dignitaries at the Mela to motivate the farming community to adopt the new technologies. Mrs. S. Vindhya, SMS (Agro met). has proposed a formal vote of thanks for KVK scientists and staff, Farmers and farm women, Department Officials and Media personnel for making the event a grand success. A total of 235 farmers were participated and 65 line department staff have participated and made the event successful.