Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has organized Live telecast of Hon’ble PM speech at Chunchupally Village, Lakshmidevipalli Mandal, Bhadradri Kothagudem District on 18.06.2024 on release of 17th Instalment of PM-KISAN funds from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture), has welcomed the guests and explained about the successful implementation of welfare schemes of Government of India. Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma, Programme Coordinator, has created awareness about the pre-kharif activities and explained the GOI funded projects operated at KVK i.e. Scientific Beekeeping. Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture), has explained about all the extension activities and services provided at the KVK for benefit of the farmers. All the Scientists have conducted a Farmer-Scientist Interaction session and clarified the doubts of the farmers. The documentary films on success of Central government Schemes and Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi ji speech was live telecasted for the farmers. Smt. Rajeswari, AO, Chunchupally addressed the farming community on preparedness of the department for forthcoming Vanakalam and also encouraged farmers to sow green manure crops, simultaneously reduction of 30% Nitrogenous fertilizers. Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture) has proposed the formal vote of thanks for KVK scientists and staff, Farmers and farm women, Department of Agriculture Officials and Media personnel for making the event a grand success. A total of 91 farmers were participated and 02 dignitaries and department staff have participated and made the event success.