Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has celebrated “Telangana Formation Day” Telangana Rashtra Avatharana Dashabdi Utsavalu From 01st to 03rd, June 2023. In view of celebrating auspicious occasion and to make festive ambiance, office building was illuminated with lights from 01-06-2023 to 03-06-2023. As part of Telangana tradition, the office building was decorated with mango and coconut leaves. Colourful rangoli designs depicting the Dasabdhi Vusthavalu was drawn infront of office building. Banners depicting decennial celebrations of Telangana formation were displayed in and around Office. On the formation day 02.06.2023, KVK, Programme Coordinator Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanamma hoisted the national flag. Saluted the flag by playing National Anthem, Telangana Song and PJTSAU University song. A floral tribute was offered to the Telangana thalli and Prof. Jaya Shankar photos by all teaching and non-teaching staff. To grace this programme felicitated a progressive farmer of the District Shri. G. Venkateswara Rao Garu, Hemachandrapuram for his significance in organic agriculture, seed production in paddy and other prominent activities in agriculture, followed by this a farmer scientist interaction meeting was organised. On 03.06.2023 KVK, Scientists conducted “Rythu Dinostavam” at Chunchupalli Mandal. A large gathering of 480 farmers were participated in the programme. As a part of this All the Scientists were spoken on the progress made in the field of agriculture in Telangana State since its inception.