Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem diagnostic team has visited HDPS Cotton, Maize, Chilli nurseries at Mamakannu, Kanchanpalli villages of Gundala Mandal of Bhadradri Kothagudem district on 01.08.2022. The diagnostic committee lead by Dr. V. L. Narayanamma (Programme Coordinator) including Dr. R. Srinivasa Rao, SMS (Crop Production), Dr. R. Vishwatej, SMS (Extension), Mr. B. Shiva, SMS (Horticulture) along with Sri. G. Lalchand, ADA (Tech), K. Deepika (Agri. Officer), M. Ramesh (Agri. Extension Officer) has visited the cotton (HDPS), Maize fields, Paddy and Chilli nurseries in the Mamakannu, Kancanapalli villages. The diagnosed team was observed Aphids and Hoppers infestation in cotton fields and farmers were suggested to take up spraying of Acetamiprid @ 0.2g/ lit of water. In Maize, severe incidence of fall armyworm was noticed and farmers were advised for spraying of Emamectin benzoate @ 0.4 g/lit of water. In the chilli nurseries, incidence of damping off was observed and the team has suggested for spraying of copper oxy chloride @ 3gm/lit of water twice in weekly interval. The team has also suggested farmers to practice raised bed method to grow chilly nurseries to escape further inundation.