Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has conducted a Field day on Wilt Tolerant Redgram var. Telangana Kandi -1 under NFSM-CFLD (Pulses) at Pataanjanapuram Village, Sujathanagar Mandal on 27-01-2021

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bhadradri Kothagudem has conducted a Field day on Wilt Tolerant Redgram var. Telangana Kandi -1 under NFSM-CFLD (Pulses) at Pataanjanapuram Village, Sujathanagar Mandal on 27-01-2021

KVK, Bhadradri Kothagudem has conducted a “Field day on High yielding wilt tolerant Redgram variety WRGE-93” under NFSM - Cluster Front Line demonstration (Pulses) at Pathaanjapuram village, Sujathanagar Mandal on 27.01.2021. Dr. V. Lakshmi Narayanama, Programme coordinator and Dr. R. Vishwatej (SMS, Extension) has explained about the Redgram var. Telangana Kandi -1 (WRGE-93)) seed supplied to the 50 farmers during the vanakalam season in the mandal under CFLD (Pulses). All the scientists along with Smt. Narmada (MAO), Smt. B. Vijaya Lakshmi (MPP), Sri. B. Ravi (Sarpanch), Sri B. Mohan Rao (Rythubandu Samithi Coordinator) and other farmers have visited few of the Redgram (Telangana Kandi -1) fields and observed the crop parameters like Plant height, No. of branches per plant, No. of pods per branch, No. of seeds per pod, Quality and color of the seeds. They hoped that the variety will replace the local varieties susceptible to wilt and help in increase the redgram acreage in coming seasons. The public representatives thanked the KVK scientists for introducing the variety and technology in the area and advised the farmers to save the seed for future seasons. B.Shiva (SMS, Horticulture), Ms. S. Vindya (SMS, Agro-Met) along 43 farmers have participated in the programme.