KVK - Mancherial - Training Cum Awareness Programme Under SCSP

KVK - Mancherial - Training Cum Awareness Programme Under SCSP

In this programme Dr. M. Rajeshwar Naik, Programme Coordinator, KVK, Bellampalli with team of scientists created awareness on Importance of micro macro nutrients on yield of Mango; Month wise management practices; Integrated Pest Management; Integrated Crop Management; Where the cultivation density is lower, per ha under such conditions, Mango trees become very big which makes it difficult to perform the needed cultural operations like training, pruning, disease, pest control etc. As a result, alternate bearing i.e. failure of flowering of mango in every season is observed, which is one of the major problems in Mango cultivation throughout the globe due to deficiency of nutrients supply to the mango bearer and suggested the application of micro-nutrients mainly zinc, copper and boron gives better results in controlling the fruit dropping and improving flowering and the quality of fruits. 50 gm zinc sulphate, 50 gm copper sulphate and 20 gm borax per tree/annum are recommended; Adequate amount of fertilizer and manures are the most prominent factor to get high yield of mango and also explained pre and post harvest practices in Mango.After that conducted a field visit in Mango orchards suggested the farmers on the current climatic conditions and their impact on the incidence of pest and diseases. The present weather conditions favours the incidence of Mango hopper and sooty mould suggested the farmers recommended spray 0.3ml Imidachloprid and 2.5ml neem oil along with Carbendazim 1 gm or Mancozeb 2 gm per liter of water.